Friday, August 31, 2007

Obligitory Blog Day post

The massive interwoven mesh of the blogosphere tells me its time for all good little bloggers to jot down their 5 recommended blogs for the year. This is my blog day, so I will take my favourites.

  1. Lifehacker - Just got turned on to this one, but its absolutely awesome. From Firefox Extensions and Ubuntu hacks to sleep-enrichment tips and guides to multitasking, this blog is points me to at least one new tip, trick or tool a day.
  2. lo-fi librarian - a UK-based law librarian who posts a list of new tools each week. Like Lifehacker, this blog dramatically increases my bag o'tricks. lo-fi has also started experimenting with Ubuntu Linux, so its interesting to compare notes.
  3. Catalogablog - Keeps a finger on the pulse of the cataloging world, which I think has enough wrong with it currently and enough going for it in the future, that I want to stay knowledgeable. The new info on MODS, METS, RDF and FRBR can be a little dry in technicalities, but tracking the headlines helps keep me current.
  4. Stephen's Lighthouse - I'm a Stephen Abram fan-boy, I'll admit it. I love seeing the man speak at SLA, and reading his column in Information Outlook is my favourite part of that publication. His blog is well written and thought-provoking.
  5. Slashdot - News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters. Almost too technical for me, sometimes, but often full of useful news (more specific to my world than Boing Boing, which I also like to follow).
I'm sure I'll have more to share next Aug. 31, but for now, that's it.

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